Tim Reid-搜索结果

  • 遇见理查森 第一季 Meet the Richardsons Season 1


    导演:Lee Hupfield, Eddie Stafford   编剧:Lucy Beaumont, Tim Reid

    主演:Lucy Beaumont, Bernie Clifton, Jon Richardson

      Stand-up comedians Richardson and Beaumont play exaggerated versions of themselves as viewers get a glimpse into their home and work lives, surrounded by their celebrity friends and their Hebden Bridge neighbours. Meet the Richardsons shows what their neighbours really think of them, the type of birthday party they should have for their daughter Elsie, caravan holidays, and Jon...

  • 汽车共享 第一季 Car Share Season 1


    导演:彼得·凯, Paul Coleman   编剧:保罗·马瑟, 彼得·凯, 茜安·吉布森, Tim Reid

    主演:彼得·凯, 茜安·吉布森, 里斯·谢尔史密斯

      When a supermarket issues a new car share scheme. Assistant manager John Redmond and promotions rep Kayleigh Kitson are forced to commute together every day. But will they get along?